Free ID to Vote

On August 28, 2022, a law when into effect requiring specific government issued photo identification be presented when trying to cast your ballot. The law can be found in the Revised Statutes of Missouri - Chapter 115.427. Most importantly, this law includes a provision holding the state accountable for the fee of the nondriver ID required to vote - “the state and all fee offices shall provide one nondriver's license at no cost to any otherwise qualified voter who does not already possess such identification and who desires the identification for voting.”

If you are eligible to vote and do not have an ID, you are eligible for a free ID. You still need all of your required documents at the time of your appointment - but if you say you need your ID to vote, and you have not already received a free ID from the state, they must give you your ID at no cost. The Department of Revenue has an FAQ page for Nondriver ID for Voting Purposes as well as the Secretary of State’s office which oversees the Go Vote Missouri program.

Have you used Go Vote Missouri?

Have you gone to the license office and used the Go Vote Missouri program successfully? Have you gone to the license office and been turned away even though you are eligible for a free ID for voting purposes? Whatever your experience is, we want to know. Your experience will help us advocate for better implementation of existing programs or possibly even help us change programs that aren’t currently working. Thanks for your feedback!